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    Sunday, July 09, 2017

    Five Foods You Should Eat Before Working Out.

    Keeping fit and healthy is as important as eating food, the right food though!
    The fact that you are trying to stay fit does not mean you should stop eating. Food is so important, not only does it fuel your body but it nourishes it too.
    However, the problem lies with making sure you’re putting the right things in your body before and even after your workout.
    We have put together a list of foods and reasons why you should be found on this path, check them out below;

    Eggs are filled with all the protein that you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This should be on your “To eat before the gym” list if it’s not already included.
    Grilled marinaded and herbed chicken breasts on a white plate.
    The aim is not to totally hit the gym on an empty stomach but you don’t want to also hit the gym and have to workout to the music coming from your stomach. Chicken breast is light and can take you through your routine.
    Seeds and nuts are high in good fats and they might take a while to digest which might eventually slow you down hence the need to blend them up to make a smoothie. The healthy sugars in them help provide you with the right boost of energy needed for your work out session.
    If the aim of hitting the gym is to loose some weight, then you need to avoid fruits before you train. Go for nuts instead as they are good sources of healthy fats that help your body maintain the blood sugar level stable for long periods.
    Bananas are probably one of the best fruits for athletes and that’s because just eating two bananas before a workout provides you with enough energy for 90 minutes of strenuous exercise. It’s like the fuel needed for the work out hence the need to eat them pre-workout.

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